Collegiate Edge Services | The Collaboration Package

In this 6-step package you'll work one-on-one with Stephanie Meade, who will provide all the high-level guidance you need to apply to college. This is an ideal complement to the college advising offered by your high school.
Meetings occur at each key milestone in the process, and include teaching students how to complete the next steps supported by video tutorials.
For students not yet in 11th grade, this package is preceded by annual, grade-level meetings to keep students on track to present their best selves to colleges when the time comes.
This 6-Step Package Includes:
1. Meeting: Interview & Consultation
This meeting can happen as early as 8th grade, or as late as 11th grade (pending space available).
- Two-hour meeting with the student and parent(s)
- In-person in Sherman Oaks if possible, otherwise online via Zoom
- Can be as early as the summer before junior year
- Review academic records and plan remaining high school courses
- Work together on extracurricular and summer activities
- Review test scores, plan additional testing
- Discuss student’s dreams, plans, and goals
- Learn about any special circumstances, including learning or emotional challenges, athletics or arts focus
- Define family college search parameters, including geography and finances
- Discuss how college options are influenced by educational interests, career goals, academic performance, accomplishments, and abilities
1.5 Optional Grade Level Meetings
For students who complete Step 1 in 9th grade or earlier, this annual meeting is recommended. It is available/optional for all.
- Check-in, review, update, and discuss any grade-appropriate refinements of the outcomes of Step 1
- Grade-appropriate planning and discussion
- 1.5-hour meeting with the student and parent(s)
- In-person in Sherman Oaks if possible, otherwise online via Zoom
2. Meeting: College Clarity
Can take place as early as summer after 10th grade, or as late as end of 11th grade. Ideal for most during November – February of 11th grade.
- After the initial meeting, once you have confirmed your interest in completing the Collaboration Package
- 1 to 1.5-hour meeting, can be online or in-person
- Stephanie guides the student through an exercise to identify more detailed elements of the college wish list
3. College Research & Development
- Stephanie develops a customized list of appropriate colleges for the student to research
- This draws on decades of experience, hundreds of in-person campus visits, and uncounted hours of networking with college admissions professionals, and goes far beyond what rankings, college guidebooks, and online search tools can offer.
- Individualized to the student, identifies great fit campuses for the student
4. Meeting: College List & Research
This meeting is usually scheduled within two weeks of Step 2, but is planned based on everyone’s schedule.
- In-person or online
- Share college list ideas with family, explain why each college is suggested, and offer admissions and scholarship estimates
- Set up student on robust college research and application management software. (Students will need to bring a laptop if this meeting takes place in person.)
- Offer best practices for college research, including video tutorials, template for taking notes, and links to resources
5. Meeting: College List Refinement & Application Process Overview
This meeting takes place in May or June of 11th grade.
- Meeting with student and parent to refine college list, in person or online
- Overview of approaching application process
- Detailed guidance on preparing applications, activity resumes, and essays, includes video tutorials
6. Meeting: Application Review
This meeting takes place in July – October of 12th grade, and can be earlier if student is ready.
- Meeting, in person or online
- Stephanie will review one completed application of the student’s choice, such as one Common Application including college-specific essays, the U of California application, the Georgetown application, or the MIT application.
- Meeting with student and parent(s) to offer detailed feedback on all elements of the application (Student will need to bring a laptop if this meeting takes place in person.)
Included In This Package
- Regular check-in email and text updates from the student
- Responses to quick questions
Additional Support On An Hourly Basis
- Guidance on more complex issues, or tasks that require additional research or detailed responses
- Assistance with any aspect of the process not included in the 6-step package
- With parent approval of the charges, and pending schedule availability